Template: 75 Soft Challenge – Day Tracker

There is a challenge called “75 Hard Challenge” that some people are doing. It’s supposed to help you be mentally strong and change your life forever. But it can be really hard to keep up with.

The challenge has five rules that you have to follow for 75 days. You have to eat a certain way, exercise a lot, drink a lot of water, read a book every day, and take a picture of yourself. You can’t take any breaks or cheat days, or you have to start all over again.

Some people think it’s too hard to do because you have to exercise a lot more than what doctors recommend. And it doesn’t take into account things like getting hurt or needing to rest.

Lots of people have been sharing their success with the 75 day challenge on social media. But some people worry that the rules of the challenge could be bad for your health.

Luckily, there’s a different kind of challenge called the 75 Soft Challenge. It still encourages people to be healthy for 75 days, but it’s not as strict. This means it’s easier to follow and won’t be as hard on your body.

75 Soft Challenge Rules

The 75 Soft Challenge has five simple rules that you have to follow for 75 days:

  1. Eat healthy and only have drinks when you’re with friends.
  2. Exercise for 45 minutes each day and take a break once a week to recover.
  3. Pray or meditate for 5 minutes.
  4. Drink 3 liters of water every day.
  5. Read 10 pages of any book each day.
  6. Take a photo everyday (optional)

Eat Healthy

One of the big differences between the 75 Hard and 75 Soft Challenge is the diet rule. With the 75 Hard Challenge, you have to follow a strict diet. You can choose whatever diet you want to follow, and stick to it. In 75 Hard Challenge there is no cheat meals or alcohol is allowed.

But with 75 Soft Challenge, you don’t need any dietary plan. You just eat healthy. Eating healthy might not sound as exciting as following trendy diets like keto or cutting out sugar completely.

But it’s a more sustainable way to stay healthy and it helps you build good habits that will last longer. Eating well means you have some flexibility in your diet and still enjoy a cookie or other treats every now and then.

If you have specific dietary needs or have struggled with eating disorders in the past, the 75 Soft Challenge may not be the best fit for you.

Focusing on “eating well” might be good for some people but harmful for others. If you’re following a guided nutrition plan or trying to improve your relationship with food, you might need to adjust the goal to suit your needs.


The 75 Hard challenge is a program that some experts have concerns about because of the exercise rule. It requires you to do two workouts every day for at least 45 minutes, and one of them has to be outside, no matter the weather.

The 75 Soft challenge has more reasonable exercise rules that are in line with what most people do to stay healthy. You have to exercise for 45 minutes each day, with one day off each week to rest.

The goal is to start healthy habits, so it’s okay to make adjustments. You can try different exercises like swimming or walking for 30 minutes every other day or exercise for 10 minutes and gradually work your way up to 45 minutes. The important thing is to find an exercise routine that works for you and your body.

Pray or Meditate for 5 Minutes

Taking just five minutes to pray or meditate can provide numerous benefits for your mental and emotional health. These practices are a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, as they help you focus on the present moment and slow down your thoughts.

When you pray or meditate, you can quiet your mind and find a sense of inner peace, which can be especially helpful during times of high stress or anxiety.

Additionally, praying or meditating can improve your overall well-being by increasing feelings of positivity and happiness.

Research has also shown that prayer and meditation can have physical health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation in the body.

These practices may also improve your ability to concentrate and enhance your memory. Taking just five minutes to pray or meditate can be a simple yet powerful tool to improve your overall health and well-being, both mentally and physically.

Drink 3 Liters Water Everyday

The reason for this rule is not just to make sure you drink enough water and stay healthy, but also practicing a habit to remember to drink that much water every day.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink about 3 liters of fluids per day and women drink about 2.2 liters per day. Drinking 3 liters of water per day is in line with this advice.

Read 10 Pages of Any Book

The rules in the 75 Hard and 75 Soft challenges are pretty alike. In both challenges, you have to read 10 pages every day, but you can’t listen to an audiobook.

However, the difference between these challenges is that with the 75 Hard challenge, you have to read a non-fiction book, while with the 75 Soft challenge, you can read any kind of book you like.

It can be a fantasy book, a mystery book, a poetry book, or any other kind of book. The most important thing is that you read 10 pages of a book each day.

75 Soft Challenge Day Tracker Template

For day to day tracker you can download below template:

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